Do any of these statements resonate with you?

“I don’t know what I want.”
“I know what I want, but I don’t know how to get it.”
“I know what I want and how to achieve it, but something holds me back.”
“I like my life, but wonder if I’m missing out on something? Is this as good as it gets?”

If so, you would definitely benefit from life coaching!

Living a life of truth about who you are and what you want can be super duper scary.

Yet, being honest with yourself and those around you is, I believe, ESSENTIAL to a happy life.

I believe a truth revolution needs to take place.

ALL OF US should live with courage, conviction and passion.

With some support, cheerleading, pushing and reflection, I can help you get there.

The brave souls who are drawn here might feel:

At a crossroads
In transition
Or just feeling unhappy or unfulfilled in some way.

Many have come to me struggling with these issues, and- with my coaching skills in their back pocket, they have transformed and evolved in powerful ways! They have found:


In one word: HAPPINESS!

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How does this work?

Together, we will embark on your own private Truth Revolution. I will work with you to examine your life right now, providing a safe and comfy space from which we can explore your core values, eliminate that inner critic, break through your self-limiting beliefs, and take a good, hard look at your level of life satisfaction and realistic options for moving forward. We will look at your physical state, career, relationships, finances, and spirituality, to name a few. We will explore imbalances or gaps in these areas.

We will then develop a powerful life strategy around which you can start to take action. I will be there to be give you structure, accountability, and measures for tracking your growth throughout our work together. I will be a guiding hand on your shoulder, helping you to navigate the challenges you encounter and providing you with the tough love you need to get through them. You will learn to overcome obstacles you probably didn’t even know were working against you each day. As you overcome your challenges, one after the next, you will find them less daunting and emerge with a sense of liberation and empowerment. Together, we will prevail in helping you to achieve your loftiest aspirations and change your life in concrete, manageable, and sustainable ways!

Understanding the Process

What is life coaching, anyway?

Life coaching is often deeply misunderstood, but it is quite simple. I am often asked, “Does it really work?” I have seen people’s doubts and preconceived notions be obliterated by the power and transformative nature of the coaching process. Coaching is, in the simplest terms, a way to get from where you are today to where you want to be.

Coaches employ proven and evidence-based tools, techniques, and skills to help you access your own inner knowledge about what you want and who you are, and we help breathe life into the areas of your life that aren’t functioning as well as they could. Coaches challenge clients to push past obstacles and think bigger.

Did you know that athletes, actors, CEOs, and presidents of major companies draw from life and business coaches to help give them the feedback, support, and direction they need to have an edge? Why shouldn’t you have access to that same powerful resource?

“Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist, and part rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals-career, personal, or most often, both.” -Newsweek

Who am I, you're wondering?

I am Molly Dyson-Schwery:

Hi, I’m Molly; traveler, reader, movie lover, social butterfly, philanthropist, entrepreneur, small red dog owner (Ruby, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel), and proud daughter, sister, auntie, friend, wife and mother (two boys under 3!). I am your purveyor of truth, your “sister from another mister,” teacher, mentor, and cheerleader.

Since high school, I knew I wanted to help people. In my freshman year, I became a peer counselor (read: a non-judgmental student charged with reaching out to those around me who needed help and referring them to the school mental health counselor), and I found that I could motivate and inspire others. I was only 15 years old at the time, and I was hooked.

There was a time in my 20s when I was always on the move, seemingly without a real direction. I held the view that I was a lost soul, a loose cannon, an Energizer Bunny going around in circles and unable to stay on a course. I enlisted the help of a life coach and, miraculously, it all began to tie together. Suddenly, I had a coach-assisted epiphany: There was a method to my madness-and I had been following a purposeful trajectory all along. I had made choices for myself that were based off of my inner compass and my values, rather than those of the people around me. I aligned my values with my goals and completed actions consistent with those goals. Believe me, it was tough. I fielded a lot of doubt, criticism, and questioning, and I struggled with my own insecurities and inner critic in the process-but I did it.

My life today is one surrounded by a fantastic tribe of powerful, unique, and inspiring people. I laugh every day and do things that scare me often! I am a life-long learner and am always striving to practice what I preach. My work will never be done, and I embrace the journey. And, don’t think for a second that I don’t also work with a life coach!

I have always hated the expression, “It is what it is.” I believe that it is what you make it; it is how you see it; and it is what you allow it to be. I believe you are the creator of your own life, by virtue of your choices, beliefs, and ability to connect your intentions with your behaviors. True happiness comes from being in touch with your inner truth: your core values, beliefs and dreams.

I come to you bursting at the seams with evidence-based strategies, tools and techniques to help you discover your desires, activate your dreams, and push you ahead with passion and courage.

Now onto the nitty gritty, here are my bona fides:

*Trained as a coach through New York University’s Life and Organizational Coaching program

*Certified as a Licensed Master Social Worker

*Trained as a nutritional coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

*Completed three years of training in Clinical Psychology at the California School for Professional Psychology

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Let's do this

My Services

Here’s how we can work together:

1) Intensive One-on-One Coaching:

First, I will want to speak with you on the phone. We will chat about what drew you to me, what your needs are, what you can expect from the coaching process, and the price of my services. If we decide we are a good fit, and you’re interested in pursuing coaching, we will schedule a meeting. From there, I will pull from my extensive toolkit as we embark on a program TAILOR-MADE for you, keeping YOUR strengths, challenges, goals, and learning style in mind. You set the agenda; I am only there to guide you, like your own private life GPS.

We will “meet” by telephone, Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime for six to twelve 45-minute sessions on a weekly basis at a pre-determined time. In between sessions, we will schedule mini coaching sessions (15 minutes each) to reinforce our work together, as needed. I only work with a small number of clients at any one time, so you will get my full attention and presence at each meeting.

Let’s do this

2) Group Coaching and Retreats:

Group coaching is an experience bordering on electric for many people. You will get the coaching you need, yet you will also benefit from the collaborative, inspirational, and interactive nature of working within a group setting. You will get valuable new perspective, fueled by both your own work and by the vitality of the group of like-minded individuals surrounding you. Groups are limited in size, so no one will get lost in the shuffle.

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3) Digital Workshops:

A) Truth Revolution: a digital workshop alternative to one-on-one coaching for those looking to break through obstacles, achieve increased self-awareness, and discover a renewed sense of purpose. With this workshop, you set the pace, and I provide the accountability and structure as we explore the following themes:

Who am I? Exploring Values and Beliefs
Judgments and Assumptions: Tame My Inner Critic
Life Purpose and Potential
Future Goals: Dreams with a Deadline
Life Satisfaction: Work, Money, Lifestyle, Relationships, Health, Time-Management, and Spirituality

B) Moms/Dads Matter: a digital transformational journey designed specifically for busy working or stay-at-home Moms and Dads, who might be wondering, “Who am I beyond being a parent?” and “Why do I feel so unfulfilled?” Most parents I know are trying to juggle so much right now, and they are their own last priority. Does this sound like you? There is no such thing as a perfect parent, but there are a lot of ways to be a great one. Giving yourself a little attention is a good place to start.

C) Power and Purpose: a self-reflective project for teens and 20-somethings who are feeling unsure about their purpose and/or stressed about the best path to take for the future. Do you feel lost? Do you suffer from F.O.M.O. (“Fear of missing out”)? I can help you take control of your life.

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Try this exercise
What’s in it for you?
I think the better questions are:
What is your life worth to you?
What is happiness worth to you?
Would you benefit from finding or rediscovering fulfillment, happiness, focus and purpose?

Ask yourself, “Who will I be five years from today if I do not make any changes today?” Do you like the answer? If not, or if you don’t know the answer, you’re ready to work with me!

Coaching is an investment in your quality of life. It is a life overhaul. How much would you pay for a new hairstyle, face lotion, or quality coat that fits perfectly in all of the right places? Now, think how much you would pay to feel authentic, balanced, and determined, with renewed clarity and purpose. That’s where I come in. Doesn’t this sound too good to pass up?

Contact Molly